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- Going the Distance with Michael Sherar (3 of 8)
- Exclusive -

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
97982 $30.00 4 $52.00

Winning Bid Amount


A good laugh, and a long run are the two best cures for anything. Take advantage of a great opportunity to run with our President and CEO, Michael Sherar.  This event will be followed by a lunch for all participants. Michael is a Medical Physicist by training and began a research career, after completing his doctorate at University of Toronto, working at Princess Margaret Hospital. After leading the Radiation Physics department at PMH Michael became the RVP in London and South West in 2003 and then VP, CCO in 2006. For fun Michael likes to run, run, run!!! 

Michael won the Masters World Champs in 2009 and 2011 (while in the 45 to 50 age category), and now he competes in the 50 to 55 age category. He just returned from the World Masters Indoor Track and Field Championship in South Korea where he represented Canada and won two silver medals. Don’t miss this great chance to connect with Michael Sherar, President and CEO while you do something you both enjoy. This bid gets you one of eight spots available.

Date and Time: TBD. Prior to participating in this activity, the winner is required to sign a liability waiver to acknowledge: 1) any risk associated with the activity and 2) that participation is voluntary and outside of their role as a CCO employee.