The Online Auction is Now Over

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CCO Director's Bowling Tournament Entry (9 of 15)
- Exclusive -

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
98034 $30.00 2 $50.00

Winning Bid Amount


Here is your chance to get competitive with not one, not two… but five of CCO’s Directors! Join Angela Copeland, Kiren Handa, Richard Smith, Shari Dworkin and Lyndon Dubeau and take a chance at winning the bowling tournament at Danforth Bowl! Bragging rights included. Only 15 spots are available for this fun-filled event. Your winning bid gets you a single entry into the tournament of all tournaments. 

Date and Time: TBD. Prior to participating in this activity, the winner is required to sign a liability waiver to acknowledge: 1) any risk associated with the activity and 2) that participation is voluntary and outside of their role as a CCO employee.